Reloading Health

The book RELOADING HEALTH by DECODING AYURVEDA is like a door in the existing wall of contemporary healthcare system. We can enter & explore this new dimension of health. It brings India’s health heritage into light by decoding it in an easy & understandable way.

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Author’s notes

Over a period of time there has been a tremendous growth in the popularity of Ayurveda. I feel fortunate to have been associated with this ‘Science of Life’ for more than two decades. I wish to see this science become one of the mainstream options in the medical field, instead of being an alternate one.

The purpose of writing this book is to express what I feel about health, not as a preacher, nor as an authority, but as a simple soul as everyone around me. I want everyone in the society to stay healthy, and for this it is important that they take personal responsibility of their health. I wish to see this book reach every educated individual because I feel that health is the first step in life. If it strikes a chord in the minds of the people who are privileged to be educated then it is bound to affect the rural health scenario of India. The underprivileged could then be guided well about their health. There is nothing better than creating one’s own health. For this, here is my effort to bring to you the very basic understanding of health through a different angle.

The present work is an attempt to bring the concepts of Ayurveda and health, which were laid down thousands of years ago, in a simple and understandable form. Over a period of time these concepts have been studied, researched, interpreted and presented by health professionals worldwide in their own individual way, so that more people come to know about them and use them to improvise their health. Though Ayurveda envelopes great depth of knowledge within itself, in this book we will take up only the very basic aspects of this system to make it understandable so that everyone can relate to it day-by-day and situation-by-situation. For this I have made use of short parables, quotes and experiences of the learned scholars. ‘Parables’ remain in our heart for a longer time than the actual concepts, ‘quotes’ are said to be the language of thoughts, and ‘experiences’ are the personal truths of scholars. Learning is an unending process. We can gain knowledge from each and every source. I have learnt many things while writing this book.

My intention is not to write just another book on health, nor do I want to impose Ayurveda through this book, but if after reading this book the readers choose to explore Ayurveda I would consider my efforts to be well rewarded.

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