Avoid Hangover

Tips to avoid hangovers  The key to avoid hangover is to provide the body with adequate vitamins to help the liver and the nervous system to combat the ill effects of alcohol.  Relax. The more you are stress-free, the better it is. Adequate rest and proper sleep in...

Avoid varicose veins

Preventing varicose veins is as important as treating them. What are Varicose Veins? Varicose veins are swollen, bulging and twisted bluish veins that become visible just beneath the skin surface. Varicose veins are of two types – Superficial Varicose...

More on stress….

 Lifestyle and stress – Most individuals today are prone to multitasking. As a result they have a tendency to over-estimate their abilities and try to accomplish multiple tasks at the same time. This generally ends up in making them feel frustrated as they are...

Therapeutic smoking

Therapeutic smoking is beneficial for health. What is therapeutic smoking? Therapeutic smoking is the type of smoking described in Ayurveda wherein medicated herbs prescribed for smoking are pounded and made into paste. This is pasted around the sara-stalk and then...

Did u know?

Did u know these simple facts? • Water has the best soothing effect. • Wine is best to dispel fatigue. • Milk is the best energizer. • Honey is best to alleviate Kapha. • Butter is best to alleviate Pitta. • Sesame oil is best to alleviate Vata. • Fomentation is best...

Ayurveda simplified

HEALTHY LIFESTYLE TIPS Ayurveda has a concealed simplicity within its complexities. The early chapters of Ayurveda texts include ‘SWASTHVRIT’ which means ‘healthy lifestyle’ wherein the very basic norms of health are laid down. Firstly, it asks everyone to create...