images (45)Ayurveda is the future of Medicine. Ayurveda is a philosophy of life and is here to stay till life exists. It incorporates all aspects of life – physical, psychological, social and spiritual. It is futuristic in vision and can be called ‘The Therapy of Millenium’. Ayurveda was always there, is still here and will always be available for mankind in times to come. Its consciousness-based understanding of medical issues provides us with an ever evolving perspective of health in our society. In this age of over-specialization, the holistic approach of Ayurveda is of vital importance since it always treats the patient as a whole. It considers body to be one unit instead an accumulation of multiple units. This holistic approach is adopted everywhere today. We find Ayurvedic philosophies being used in macrobiotics, in diet plans, in lifestyle coaching, in herbal recommendations and in preventive measures advised by our contemporary medical professionals.   images (50)